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Senin, 30 September 2013

red bearded vulture
 "Red Bearded Vulture"
 We have listed some of those animals who live in this world today, but some even get surprised as they find out there’s an animal they have not heard about these animals before.  Scientist themselves are researching about new species of animals every year and they admit that they are not fully aware about all those species of animals are existing in the world. In which some species we are mentioned about that you may not heard about it till yet.  
10: Tufted Deer
Tufted Deer
Tufted Deer are small species of deer that are mostly found in China.
9: The Fossa
The Fossa
 The Fossa is like a cat, it is carnivorous mammal that is typically found in Madagascar.
8: The Maned Wolf
The Maned Wolf
The Maned Wolf normally found in South America in large quantity. It is belong to canidae family and the maned wolf similar in looks as a fox.
7: Gerenuk
The Gerenuk is a long neck species of antelope found in East Africa. It’s also known as Waller’s gazelle.
6: Sunda Colugo
Sunda Colugo

Sunda Colugo also known as Malayan flying lemur. Sunda Colugo is found throughout Southeast Asia in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore.
5: Zebra Duiker
Zebra Duiker

The Zebra Duiker is a small antelope inhabit from it. And mostly found in Ivory Coast, Guinea, Sierra, Leone and Liberia.
4: Markhor
Markhor is a wild species of wild goat that is found in northeastern Afghanistan, Pakistan and in some parts of Jammu Kashmir. It is well known as a national animal of Pakistan as well.
3:  Patagonian Mara
Patagonian Mara
Patagonian Mara order from rodents mammals. It is found only in Argentina and also known as Patagonian cavy.
2: Southern right whale dolphin
Southern right whale dolphin

The Southern right whale dolphin is a small and slender species of mammal, It is belong to the family of Delphinidae and found in deep and cold oceans of the northern hemisphere.
1: Amazonian Royal Flycatcher
Amazonian Royal Flycatcher
The Amazonian Royal Flycatcher is a passerine bird and found in forest of Amazon. They are about small 6 inches birds in size and mostly eat insects. 

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